Thank you for these reminders! Every time I tell people I don’t watch the news, I’m afraid of being accused of “burying my head in the sand” or abusing my privilege to tune out how others are hurting. But the doom scrolling is hurting me and all of us. Through my world travels I really came to believe humanity is much, much better than what’s portrayed on the news and forming healthy connections, being open minded and generous are much better for me and the world than endlessly watching the news.

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Thank you for this comment. That’s really lovely.

I’ve had my own struggles with scrolling new news as one of my other articles shows. It’s really poisonous and designed to keep us hooked on the doom.

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This past weekend I took Facebook off of my phone and I know that I'm going to be happy that I did (and I'm trying to use the time I wasted doing that on my phone by focusing on Substack newsletters), but it's going to be an adjustment.

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That’s brilliant Sarah. I deleted Facebook a while back after watching the Social Experiment on Netflix but I have kept a few other apps that I know I should delete too. It frees up so much time!

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Did you read my latest piece on social media? I still want to keep it for the connections I have there, but I don't need the distractions on my phone. And maybe it will save my kids from oversharing ;-)

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Yes, great piece. Really resonated with me. Thank you.

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I’ve added a recommendation to you Substack. 👍🏻

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