Ironic in that I did the same thing at our local Starbucks in San Miguel de Allende. Instead of using my gringo first name, I used my middle name and added an O. Roberto, I said to the barista. Why? Maybe I wanted to sound more local? Identify with the language and the culture? I am a Norte Americano and there's no hiding that. Regardless, I am also a resident of Mexico as it's our only home . Ex-pat is now part of my identity. Another label among some others that include long life learner, resident rebel, traveler, curious, a reader, writer and walker. husband, father, grandfather and the list goes on and on. Enough for now!

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Gary, I have spent many hours at that SMA starbucks in the centro. One of the first times I was there, just getting comfortable in SMA, I was short 10 pesos and didn't have my wallet. A local with two dogs behind me in line, generously offered to buy my coffee.

That coffee shop is the perfect example of the state of expat life in mexico. Golf shirt americans discussing american business ventures sitting next to buildings built in the 1500s by the spanish. It's all a trip.

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I resisted going into that place because of the plethora of them in the U.S. Imagine my surprise, not only with a very different kind of interior but a diverse group of folks from many walks of life. How refreshing! As for golf-shirted Americans discussing business, not many. May be more of those at City Market. Or at one of the many surrounding golf clubs out of the city.

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Jun 9Liked by Martin Prior

"I could start to move away from the person who I had conformed to over all these years." I love the way you put it. One of the biggest things I have realised as I grow up is that my opinions, my dreams, my choices- all these things can change with time and that's absolutely okay. I don't "have" to be a certain type of person to find contentment, I just have to be me. Even though who I am will be different some years down the line!

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You kooky fella you 😂 love this story and love your perspective

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I know. Crazy 🤪

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They'll never spell it right. I just say Mike Wood.

Great insights on reframing. It's important to see the power we hold in ourselves.

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Mike Wood? Ok, will use that. 😂

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Also more English. I'm not sure you could pull off the full Dutch! Fun fact, there's a town in the Netherlands named after me. At least that's the story I tell my kids.


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Jun 17Liked by Martin Prior

when I walk into the downtown starbucks and give them the order for my wife's latte, they immediately know which name to put on the cup. she trained them well. and goes to starbucks way too often...

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This is such a good read Martin. We often forget the power of regular routines.

Many times our lives and days are the same, stuffed with things we should do and we forget to 'think' differently about them or look at them differently.

Maybe the things around us are not changing, but we can always change and it's a choice we have to make.

Sometimes we need such reminders to shift our focus! Thank you!

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The new thing is Starbucks already knows your name through the app and prints labels with your “real” name 😂 maybe with AI they’ll have your usual ready for you before you even order…and then that’s when the real adventure and new experiences will come from going to an old style local coffee ☕️ shop where they call you by your real name because they recognized you as a regular and are happy to see you 😉

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Ooo, that sounds a little creepy.

I guess you try and fool the algorithm by rejecting what it thinks you want - even though deep down you know it got it right?

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As I get older, I crave new experiences. It helps my writing and I challenge the expectations placed on me by myself and other people. It has taken me to surprising places. I'M doing well on Youtube for example, who would have thought? Do new things and take risks. You're life will be better for that

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Brilliant. YouTube can be great fun. I dabbled but didn’t really have the time. Maybe one to try again or do some videos for Substack?

Can you share your channel here?

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I shared the link, and I have been thinking I should post videos here as well. I'm spending more time here, and I'm looking to grow my following.

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Time sure does fly faster with age. A name change sounds like a fun way to break the monotony! Starbucks is kind of a ridiculous place which I still frequent from time to time. They have a bunch of secret menu items like the Twix Frappuccino which has an ungodly price attached. Fun read Martin/Dave! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Do they have secret menu items? Didn’t know that. A twin Frappuccino sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen though.

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The time compression of repeat experiences is an interesting concept. I hadn't thought of it like that before, but now that I think back to it, the last few years are a blur since I don't go out as much anymore.

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Hi Chris. I think that’s what happens with COVID. At the time it felt like time was going slowly but looking back it’s a blur because nothing happened.

It’s a good exercise to think about doing one small thing each day that’s different. It doesn’t need to be a huge deal. Just something to anchor the day in your memory.

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Exactly the internal struggle I have sometimes. And I usually end up thinking, if everyone’s view is different than mine, maybe I’m wrong. I’ve been trying harder than to be more genuine and honest to myself, outwardly, rather than playing a part I think people want to see. To me, it seems it is better to be yourself and honest, than someone who just always does and says what people want to hear.

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Really good read, Martin. This makes me realize that most people we meet through the day are either strangers or someone who has formed a perception of us based on what we give out, not necessarily who we feel we really are. We can be whoever we choose based on a situation.

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I think that’s right. The tricky thing is that others perception of us can be very different to the perception we have of ourselves. Which one is right?

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I really loved this read! And how wonderful it is that such small moments can come with such grand realizations :')

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Thanks Tamia. Sometimes it’s about being open to seeing these times when they occurs. They can hit you anytime.

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Jun 9Liked by Martin Prior

Wonderful post Martin. Embrace change and be open to new experiences.

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Thanks Sanuj. Appreciate that.

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Haha fun article ... I believe this naming thing was the impetus for the Starbucks app! They KNOW your name!

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Yes, I think it was. It’s a little creepy though.

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We don’t go to Starbucks anymore. But my husband always said “El Conquistador”. It’s from a comedy sketch about how a guy answered a call from random phone salesman where he tells the caller “please refer to me as El Conquistador“. It got some laughs - most days.

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Ha, that’s a great one. Are they able to spell that though!

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No. They would write El.Con. And then would call that out. He’d say “please refer to me as El Conquistador”. The barista would be flabbergasted and there would be chuckles in the waiting crowd.

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