I like the part about inventing a commute! I enjoy hour long walks but it's so tiring sometimes. And then I stop for long stretches without morning or night walks.

Thinking of your mental health as a fort reminds me of preparing a castle for seige - add a moat to keep stress further away from you. I'm sure there are more analogies and ideas we can use to set up our defenses.

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Love the top five things. The one I struggle with most lately is exercise. I *know* it will make me feel better physically and mentally, but I still avoid it.

Well, I walk pretty regularly, and I do gardening chores -- these are good for my mental health. But in terms of endorphins, I used to be a runner and now I have arthritis in my knees and had to stop.

We have an elliptical for low impact, but it’s not the same as running outside with the fresh air and the wind in my face. I’m a big baby about not being able to run anymore and the elliptical doesn’t give me an endorphin high.

LOL just reading this makes me sound so dramatic. 😂

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Great post, thank you for the reminders to protect your mental health!

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Great article. I love the commute idea as I normally “commute” from my bed to my home office half asleep and work all day until the sun comes down. I sometimes step outside for a few min to have a quick bite to eat outside. Walls are great and I will run or do elliptical as long as I’m able to. Love the procrastination tips. Maybe a short stretch or something like

Walking up abs down the stairs is enough to break the spell.

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This is gold! Thanks for writing ❤️

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Love this. As a police officer of 20 years and after being diagnosed with PTSD, this resonates with me 1000000%. Thank you. You just gained a new subscriber.

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