I'm not sure the football analogy entirely holds, but still. I agree that, in most circumstances, encouragement and support are the key ingredients of getting people to work better. However, unfortunately, some people take advantage of this touchy-feely stuff and, frankly, need a good kick up the arse. For example, on occasion I've had to mentor trainee teachers who came to the lesson unprepared because they'd enjoyed a night on the tiles the night before. Well I'm sorry, the kids are the ones who suffer in that scenario and I don't see any point in trying to sugar-coat the pill, that that behaviour is unprofessional.

In a different scenario, I wrote on a student's report that as he spent more time being the class clown than actually working I was preparing to throw him off my course. His parents came to the school to thank me -- and he did too. Result? He worked bloody hard and got a brilliant grade in his 'A' Level.

Sometimes, managers have to, er, manage, and part of the job is being tough when toughness is needed.

In short, I am in favour of fair management, which sometimes means being "robust".

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Totally get that Terry and I think I agree.

The key thing here is being fair. If someone clearly HASNT put in the effort then they should be held accountable.

It’s in those situations where they have put in the effort but just need a little help getting it together.

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Fair enough. I've worked for imbecilic managers who I've heard say to someone "get it right" -- as if that hadn't occurred to the person.

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The best one I’ve heard is “Is this your best work” ouch. Where do you go from there?

“Urm, no” - well, why not


“Urm, yes” - well, get out then.

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Omg 🤣

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I know!

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Jul 1Liked by Martin Prior

Great post marrying my love of business and football! Thanks for the shoutout

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No worries. Had to get the football analogy in there somewhere. I felt it resonated just this once.

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I always appreciate you recommending my newsletter Martin! Thank you so much!

OK now to the football, I've watched all of England's games at this year's Euros. Of course, throwing the cups at the players and Southgate helps no one. It's pretty obvious the relationship between the players and the media (and fans) is quite fraught. Kane, Rice, and Bellingham have all given interviews that show there's a tetchy, antsy feeling between those groups. The cup-throwing incident is a tipping point. The fans are exhausted and tired. Southgate's been in the job for 8 years and there's still no defined playing style. Today, they were pretty shocking against Slovakia for 90+ minutes until Saint Jude saved the day. Of course ideally, ideally fans would encourage and uplift their players, but they're just very frustrated.

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Indeed and I agree it’s frustrating. I was shouting at the telly with the rest of the nation.

My post here is more about tone setting but there’s probably a whole other post that is about agile leadership and setting your team free to express themselves.

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Thanks for the shoutout! Glad that England pulled it out today. They sure have a flair for the dramatic.

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I know. It made it more sweet but was a painful watch.

Hoping for better on Saturday or I will be throwing my cup their way!

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Don’t let your bad mood make them suffer is really great advice. They don’t know your life or what you’re going through. No reason for them to have to deal with it.

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100% true. I hate to admit it but I used to be one of those "hard" managers. Never raising my voice or throwing things (I'm not a child) but I did set unreasonable expectations and expected things done a certain way.

Since I started my MBA my managing style has changed to understanding people's characteristics so I can match (or sometimes create) the role to the person resulting in a much higher success rate. Along with regular communication, feedback and training, the team and myself are so much more relaxed, respectful and work like a team!

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It’s a little horses for courses with management. By listening and understanding your team members as individuals you will get to know when to encourage and when to given them a kick up the backside.

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Excellent essay and a good reminder. Sharing.

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Thanks David. Appreciate you stopping by.

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Jun 30Liked by Martin Prior

Thank you so much Martin for the mention. I really appreciate your writing, so this means a lot.

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No worries Mika. My pleasure.

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